The Security Council must also deal with challenges threatening international peace and security that are only starting to make their way onto the agenda of the Security Council. In this context, the central question concerns the role of the Security Council in ensuring responsible state behaviour in cyber space. Estonia considers it vital to support the validity of international cyber norms and international law in cyber space. We have extensive experience in shaping cybersecurity policies in international organisations, the EU and NATO in addition to the UN.
Estonia has also engaged in notable bilateral cooperation with the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. We wish to start a cybersecurity discussion among the members of the Security Council with the aim of raising their awareness of cybersecurity norms and how to apply existing international law in cyberspace. In launching these discussions, we base our actions on the consensus reached at the UN General Assembly with the 2010, 2013 and 2015 reports of the UN group of cyber experts.