Joint statement by Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Estonia, Germany and Ireland before Closed Arria meeting on Yemen

On 3 December 2020, Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Estonia and Germany will co-host a closed, informal “Arria-formula” meeting of the members of the UN Security Council on the latest report of the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts (GEE) on Yemen, which is mandated by the UN Human Rights Council. Incoming UN Security Council member Ireland will co-sponsor the meeting.

The “Arria-formula” meeting of the members of the UN Security Council consists of a briefing by the three members of the GEE; Kamel Jendoubi (Tunisia)(Chair), Melissa Parke (Australia) and Ardi Imseis (Canada), on the human rights situation in Yemen, and includes recommendations by the GEE to the Security Council.
Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Estonia, Germany and Ireland remain deeply concerned about the ongoing violations and abuses of human rights and the violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen. In this context, the above-mentioned countries greatly appreciate and fully support the work of the GEE, whose reporting is a rare source of independent information on the human rights situation in Yemen and is thus fundamental for the work of the Security Council.

The GEE report documents how the parties to the conflict in Yemen are responsible for gross violations and abuses of human rights, including the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict and sexual and gender-based violence, and serious violations of international humanitarian law, including acts that may amount to war crimes. The report also documents the devastating impact of obstruction of humanitarian operations on the daily lives of Yemenis, further contributing to the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.
The violation of human rights is a key driver of conflict. Ending and preventing violations and abuses of human rights and ensuring accountability for the most serious crimes are essential elements of any sustainable peace process for Yemen.

In one of its recommendations, the GEE has called on the Security Council to integrate the human rights dimensions of the conflict in Yemen more fully into its agenda, and to ensure that there is no impunity for the most serious crimes. By giving the GEE the opportunity to directly interact with the current and incoming members of the UN Security Council, Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Estonia, Germany and Ireland hope to contribute to the implementation of this important recommendation.