UNGA 74,
Statement at the Security Council on Guinea-Bissau,
Delivered by the Permanent Representative of Estonia, Ambassador Sven Jürgenson,
February 14, New York
Thank you, Mr. President,
I thank the briefers for their insightful overviews on the latest developments in Guinea-Bissau.
We were encouraged to see that the presidential elections in Guinea-Bissau were held in a generally peaceful atmosphere. However, we urge the parties to refrain from using inflammatory rhetoric and using the potential tensions in the society for their own political gains.
It is important that the final confirmation for the results of the 2019 presidential elections will be announced soon. There is a clear need to create conditions for trust between the political actors and move forward with the necessary economic and social reforms.
We welcome the timely and decisive engagement of ECOWAS and the AU at the end of last year to prevent the deterioration of the political situation in Guinea Bissau and support their continued engagement in the matter.
The participation of women and youth in reform processes and peacebuilding activities is of crucial importance. We are glad that a high participation of women in the electoral process was achieved and urge the government of Guinea-Bissau to further integrate and implement gender aspects in their policies.
Estonia supports the work of SRSG Sori-Coulibaly and the planned activities of UNIOGBIS, including the phased drawdown as set out in the current mission’s mandate. It is very important that while the mission is planning for the transfer of its tasks to the UN Country Team, UNOWAS and other partners, a holistic approach to peacebuilding activities is being taken. The Peacebuilding Commission and the Peacebuilding Fund can play an important supportive role in this regard.
I thank you!